Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The beginning ...

This will be either a banner year ... or a disaster. On the other hand, I suppose I could (in full reverse) discover a 937th way to maintain a 14 handicap. I think with those few words I've established, beyond a shadow of a doubt, my brain is all over the map. And the silver lining moment is, at least I'm aware of said unfortunately broad focus (did someone say "lack thereof"?).

So. New knee parts end of November 2007 which, officially, makes me bionic. New driver for Christmas. Consider my titanium quota as met. Been back hitting balls for a couple of weeks. All the titanium works as advertised. Wonder if I can talk the doc into some sort of brain implant now that my knee has healed?

In reality, my attitude is fairly positive. Way too positive, truth be told - in an Elvis has left the building kinda way. Ordering - and being able to hit - an 8.5 degree, X-stiff, mid-kick shaft, HiBore-XL Tour can have that effect on a guy. It's a little scary how long this club can go. Oh well, guess I'll just ride the wave 'til I hit the course.